Κανένα προϊόν στο καλάθι αγορών
Americans buys an average of 167 disposable plastic water bottles every year. (1 Healthy Human bottle can last you years.)
U.S. consumption = enough straws to wrap around the earth’s circumference 2.5x a day!
U.S. landfills are overflowing with 2 million tons of discarded water bottles.
8 million metric tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean in a single year.
At Healthy Human, it is our mission to contribute towards a healthier planet any way we can. We put additional resources behind our word to reach our goal and inspire you to make the changes our planet needs.
Healthy Human has teamed up with One Less Straw to offer a special discount for those who sign the pledge to reduce single-use plastic. We are also donating $1.00 for every straw pack purchased through the campaign.
From May - September we donated 50% of of the sales from our Stainless Steel Straw kit to the Surfrider Foundation, Charleston Chapter with the use of coupon code SURFRIDER.
Healthy Human is a proud sponsor of Charleston's Strawless Summer Campaign. We have aligned with other environmentally conscious companies and sponsored multiple #strawless events
Healthy Human has adopted a highway! Our team collects trash from a 2-mile stretch four times a year to help keep our state of South Carolina clean.
Healthy Human has created four bottles for The American Heart Association’s Life is Why We Give Campaign. 10% of the proceeds will be donated back to The American Heart Association.
Healthy Human is a proud supporter of 555 Fitness, a non-profit dedicated to firefighters. We have teamed up with 555 to create a unique Thin Red Line Stein. We donate 10% of each purchase to 555 Fitness.
Healthy Human sponsors and partners with ocean-friendly restaurants and businesses to participate in several beach cleanups in the Charleston area every year.